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IDA CEO visits Y3 Innovation Centre, SPARK



    Y3 was indeed very honoured to play host to CEO of Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) RADM(NS) Ronnie Tay and his team of senior managers on morning of June 3, 2009. During the visit, James and the management team shared our vision, achievements and innovation as well as the numerous award winning IDA projects over the past 8 years. This attests that creativity and innovation is an integral part of Y3 culture. There were a good exchange of ideas and thoughts regarding more wireless applications on wireless@sg as well as on Y3’s interest in Cloud Computing and Saas business opportunities on the NGBN.

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    Many issues such were also discussed in our meeting and the topics include the TradeXchange CFC, challenges and opportunities due to the current economic environment, Y3’s growth strategies and how IDA can help in the process.
    The IDA team was also given a tour of our innovation centre, SPARK where they got insights of our upcoming industry shaping solutions in SCM, healthcare and tourism as well as knowledge management.

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