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编号:P000210H07C02A16 [查询]


制造加工行业 财务部
出生日期: 1979年
婚姻状况: 已婚
教育背景: 1、2000年毕业于山东交通学院 经济信息管理与计算机应用 学历:大专
工作经验: 7年工作经验
个人评价: 1.Familiar with PRC tax laws and other relevant prevailing regulations,
2.Familiar with IAS, PRC GAAP
3.Familiar with Hyperion and COGNOS
4.Have the ability to have an in-depth understanding of the commercial and business process within the operating unit such that the reliability of the control systems can be effectively maintained in light of changing business and market situations. This business knowledge is also required to provide the financial planning, reporting and forecasting systems that are cornerstones of the financial control process.
Have the ability to ensure that a reliable system of internal controls and accounting mechanisms exist in China such that the financial statements of the Company are correctly, timely and accurately presented and are prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles and all governmental requirements
5.I will be a strategic business partner with the general management of the entity such that the financial ramifications of all business development opportunities are understood and effectively analyzed to ensure that shareholder interests are maximized. This responsibility includes the need to:
(1) analyze current results and interpret impact on current and future expectations;
(2) develop and monitor capital budgeting processes,
(3) provide effective financial counsel to support business development and strategy
(4), evaluating business performance, identifying areas of opportunity and/ or concern
6.Ability to effectively utilize personal computer including Windows applications (MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, E-mail, etc), plus strong ERP experience
工作经历1: 2006年9月--2007年10月 在 ※※※ 公司 任 财务部 财务分析
 主要职责: - Preparing and reporting of financial results to the respective owner as well as to authorities on a regular basis
- Prepare financial forecasts, reports, and analysis of cost element:
Variance analysis of functional cost, budget & forecast preparation
-Execute financial control over estimates, documents, or reports requiring financial approval.
-Implement China staff tax policy and its administration;
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