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编号:P003740H06C02A01 [查询]


电力能源行业 财务总监
出生日期: 1972年
婚姻状况: 已婚
教育背景: 1、2000年毕业于Schulich School of Business, York University Finance & accounting 学历:MBA
工作经验: 10年以上工作经验,有海外工作、学习经验
个人评价: I’ve had exceptional working experiences in Finance, Accounting management fields. My academic background includes an MBA degree with majors of Finance and Marketing, and a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a major of International Finance. The combination of all these academic disciplines and varied business experiences has given me superior skills, which make me well qualified for senior executive position in the finance and accounting field.

I’ve been working for 14 years combined in multinational corporations. I have had significant exposure to corporate finance and accounting. My expertise includes management accounting, financial accounting, business valuation, financial statement analysis, strategic marketing planning and project management. I have outstanding analytical skill and sound management skill. I have big picutre vision, and I'm also detail-oriented. I possess excellent communication skill as well as interpersonal skill. I also have solid computer skills. I can accomplish tasks effectively as an individual, and I’ve also worked extensively in dynamic team environments and have acquired the ability to organize, plan and adapt my time effectively to accept multiple responsibilities simultaneously.

I’ve gained both local and international business experiences, which makes me familiar with both markets. The different positions that I had and different companies that I worked for have given me a broader sense of various business operations and cultures. All these have helped me build strong problem solving skills.
工作经历1: 2006年5月至今 在 ※※※ 公司 任 财务总监
 主要职责: In charge of overall financial accounting, treasury, tax, planning, internal control as well as logistics;
Helped the company set up financial full set of finanical accounting system and internal control system;
Improved the company's DSO from 210 days to 80 days;
Managed business assets effectively by keeping reasonble inventory and capital assets to achieve the best ROA and VAP;
Successfully reduced the company's intercompany AP by $10million within a year;
工作经历2: 2000年8月--2006年3月 在 National Silicates Ltd. 任 Finance Senior Accountant
 主要职责: In charge of quarterly and annual budget;
In charge of general ledger entries review and posting;
Prepare monthly financial statement and analysis to CFO and other managment team members;
Led the project of Fixed Assets Module implementation in SAP.
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