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编号:P003772H09C05A02 [查询]


医药医疗行业 医疗中心泌尿外科部
副研究员(Associate Researcher),实验室主任
出生日期: 1965年
婚姻状况: 已婚
教育背景: 1、1996年毕业于天津医科大学,硕士 临床医学 学历:硕士
工作经验: 10年以上工作经验,有海外工作、学习经验
个人评价: 主持和参与的课题:
1. 2000-2003 NIH SBIR Award (with Celltrix Inc)
"IGFBP-3 Therapy of Cancer"
PI: Pinchas Cohen; Co-PI: Bingrong Liu
Total direct costs: $1,200,000
2.2002- 2006 NCI UO1-CA 84128
"Novel Models of Prostate Cancer"
PI: Dr. Sawyers; Co-PI: Bingrong Liu
Total direct costs: $3,200,000
3.2001 – 2006 NIA R01AG20954
“Genomic and non-genomic actions of IGFBP-3”
PI: Pinchas Cohen; Co-PI: Bingrong Liu
4.2002-2007 NCI P50CA92131
SPORE in Prostate Cancer
PI: J DeKernion, Co-PI: Bingrong Liu
Total direct costs: $7,200,000
project on IGFBP-3 as a cancer therapy
Grant No: PC050485
PI: Pinchas Cohen; Co-PI: Bingrong Liu
"Humanin: a novel therapeutic target in cancer"
Total direct costs: $375,000
6. 2007 – 2012 SPORE in Prostate Cancer
Dietary Fat Modulation and Targeted Therapies for prostate cancer
PI: W Aronson, Co-PI: Bingrong Liu
Total direct costs: $1,250,000

1.Liu BR, Mariash NC. Two different gene elements are required glucose regulation of S14 transcription. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 148: 11-19, 1999. SCI: 8.14
2.Ferry R, Liu BR. Cohen P, New roles for insulin-like growth factor binding proteins. The Endocrinologist, Vol.9 Num.6, 438-450, 1999. SCI: 6.52
3.Liu BR, Lee HY, Weinzimer SA, Powell DR, Clifford JL, Kurie JM, Cohen P. Direct Functional Interactions between Insulin-like Growth Factor-binding Protein-3 and Retinoid X Receptor-alpha Regulate Transcriptional Signaling and Apoptosis. J Biol Chem 2000; 275:33607-33613. SCI: 7.56
4.Weinzimer SA, Beers Gibson T, Collett-Solberg PF, Khare A, Liu BR, Cohen P. Transferrin Is an Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein-3 Binding Protein. JCEM 2001; 86:1806-13. SCI: 5.34
5.Lee HY, Chun KH, Liu BR, Wiehle SA, Cristiano RJ, Hong WK, Cohen P, Kurie JM. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 inhibits the growth of non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Res 2002; 62:3530-7. SCI: 5.92
6.Grimberg A, Liu BR, Bannerman P, El-Deiry WS, Cohen P. IGFBP-3 mediates p53-induced apoptosis during serum starvation. Int. J. Oncol. 2002; 21:327-35. SCI: 3.37
7.Liu BR, Weinzimer SA, Beers-Gibson T, Mascarenhas D, Cohen P. Type I-alpha Collagen is an IGFBP-3 Binding Protein. Growth Hormone & IGF Research 2003; 13:89–97. SCI: 6.12
8.Ikonen M, Liu BR, Hashimoto Y, Ma L, Lee KW, Niikura T, Nishimoto I, Cohen P. Interaction between the Alzheimer's survival peptide humanin and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 regulates cell survival and apoptosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003; 100:13042–13047. SCI: 10.63
9.Mikheev AM, Mikheeva SA, Liu BR, Cohen P, Zarbl H. A functional genomics approach for the identification of putative tumor suppressor genes: Dickkopf-1 as suppressor of HeLa cell transformation. Carcinogenesis. 2004; 25:47-59. SCI: 4.14
10.Lee KW, Liu BR, Ma L, Li H, Bang P, Koeffler HP, Cohen P. Cellular internalization of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3): Distinct endocytic pathways facilitate reuptake and nuclear localization. J Biol Chem. 2004; 279:469-76. SCI: 7.56
11.Ikezoe T, Tanosaki S, Krug U, Liu BR, Cohen P, Taguchi H, Koeffler HP. Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) Antagonizes the Effects of Retinoids in Myeloid Leukemia Cells. Blood. 2004; 104:237-42. SCI: 8.03
12.Lee KW, Ma L, Yan X, Liu BR, Zhang XK, Cohen P. Rapid apoptosis induction by IGFBP-3 involves an IGF -independent nucleo-mitochondrial translocation of RXRalpha/Nur77. J Biol Chem. 2005; 280:16942-8. SCI: 7.56
13.Liu BR, Lee KW, Li H, Ma L, Lin GL, Chandraratna RA, Cohen P. Combination therapy of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 and retinoid X receptor ligands synergize on prostate cancer cell apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. Clin Cancer Res. 2005;11:4851-6. SCI: 7.89
14.Oufattole M, Lin SW, Liu BR, Mascarenhas D, Cohen P, Rodgers BD. RNA polymerase II binding subunit 3 (Rpb3), a potential nuclear target of IGFBP-3. Endocrinology. 2006; 147:2138-46. SCI: 5.52
15.Cobb LJ, Liu BR, Lee KW, Cohen P. Phosphorylation by DNA-Dependent Protein Kinase Is Critical for Apoptosis Induction by Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3. Cancer Res. 2006; 66:10878-10884. SCI: 5.92
16.Liu BR, Lee KW, Anzo M, Zhang B, Zi X, Tao Y, Shiri L, Pollak M, Lin S, Cohen P. IGFBP-3 inhibition of prostate cancer growth involves suppression of angiogenesis. Oncogene. 2007 Mar 15; 26(12): 1811-9. SCI: 8.52
17.Lee KW, Cobb LJ, Paharkova-Vatchkova V, Liu BR, Milbrandt J, Cohen P. Contribution of the orphan nuclear receptor Nur77 to the apoptotic action of IGFBP-3. Carcinogenesis. 2007 Aug; 28(8):1653-8. SCI: 4.14
18.Suh Y, Atzmon G, Cho MO, Hwang D, Liu BR, Leahy DJ, Barzilai N, Cohen P. Functionally significant insulin-like growth factor I receptor mutations in centenarians. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Mar 4;105(9):3438-42. SCI: 10.63
工作经历1: 2006年1月至今 在 ※※※ 公司 任 医疗中心泌尿外科 副研究员(Associate Researcher),实验室主任
 主要职责: 1.中华内分泌学会会员.
工作经历2: 1999年1月--2006年1月 在 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院 任 医疗中心内分泌科 助理研究员(Assistant Researcher),实验室主任.
 主要职责: 科研成果,专利:
2.中国专利: 重组的DNA质粒,其构建方法, 含该质粒的多价疫苗及其应用. 专利申请号:03116772. 1.
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