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    我们倡导实效性的咨询,专业化的服务,高度的职业素养,把为企业提升价值视为我们最核心的使命。坚守诚信为先,客户为本,追求高效, 整合资源。

负责薪酬体系、战略、设计、薪酬架构、每年调薪指导等,具体的Payroll由各BU的HRBP负责。汇报上级为China C&B Manager。 如感兴趣,请联系我:Cindy 13512950451 1344236627@qq.com The incumbent to this position will proactively partner with client-facing HR colleagues supporting and local business line management to identify and address compensation issues, and evangelize Company’s total compensation philosophy and s… 年薪45万+期权+分红

HR Manager-人事经理
Job Description: The HR Manager serves as a liaison between the business lines and HR to assess human resource needs in areas such as organizational development, performance management, compensation, career development, and management development. To be successful, the HR Manager must understand the key business plans and drivers, and be able to translate business goals into HR deliverables. The primary goa… 年薪30万

Main Responsibilities:  Work closely with operation departments to identify training needs.  Design and develop in-class training as well as e-learning content based on training needs.  Implement and deliver training programs to improve management skills.  Deliver high value and high impact training for Operators, Team leaders, OPS Manager and so on. Gain a good mastery of th… 年薪25万

 领导人力资源团队通过持续努力,使公司成为具有竞争力的企业组织,同时作为公司决策的战略伙伴,提出专业的人力资源方面的建议并推动实施;  制定、完善公司人力资源方面的政策、措施,为公司发展提供良好的政策保证;  依据公司发展战略,确定人力资源开发与发展战略,通过与各部门的协调工作确保战略的实施;  完成人员配置计划以支持公司发展目标的达成;  协助直线经理开发、考核员工,实现员工… 年薪20万

 Provide HR leadership to the facility and develop people and the organizational strategies tied to the site’s goals.  To provide administration services and support for employees to ensure a safe and harmony work environment.  Identify the needs for organizational development to include change management, teamwork, business acumen, and work with HR partners to fill those needs. … 年薪40万

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