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Powerstone-HK Consulting

 职位: Security Manager - Retail     悬赏:30000元

  1. 有海外工作、学习经历
  2. 硕士其以上学历,10年以上相关工作经验
  3. 5个月内到位

·In running a dedicated team of risk and security staff at country head office in furnish the most effective and efficient risk handling, data collection and risk reporting in line with proper and strong security measures / training so as to minimize unnecessary risk compensations and strengthen all facilities’ security controls.
·To identify risks which may affect the profitability or even the existence of the Company through risk management audits, awareness of exposure, frequent visits to assigned locations, pre-employment screening and analysis of claims, records and statistical data.
·To determine the relative importance of the risks and their impact upon the Company’s profitability by evaluating whether an exposure is of a catastrophe or frequency nature, maintaining liaison with government agencies, local law enforcement and related security/risk departments and evaluating loss frequency and patterns.
·To take pro-active initiatives to prevent losses e.g. develop program to prevent cargo & vehicle losses, develop emergency plans and procedures, train frontline employees and risk management audits.
·To prevent / reduce impact of losses once they have occurred by conducting professional loss investigations, investigating acts of external/internal fraud and acts of dishonesty upon request of Director of Operations, communicating all major loss/fraud investigations to Regional Security Manager and maintaining ongoing contact with frontline employees.
·To increase revenue by assisting Sales & Customer Service to develop new business, and to maintain existing business in a controlled way through training of frontline employees and assisting Customer Service whenever required in tracing of missing consignments.
·To monitor adherence to procedures related to seal controls, access to secured zones and bring non-conformance’s to the attention of Local Management and Direct Reports
·To identify weaknesses within the Depot/Hub/Facility which unnecessarily increase in loss/damage and recommend improvements.
· To demonstrate by actions and presence, an above average understanding of the Cross-Functional and multicultural requirements in addressing security and risk concerns, and develop the necessary relationships at local level to gain the respect and support of Local Management required to addressing issues of concern.
·To play a strong proactive role in escalating issues of concern and best practice initiatives, and to develop a professionally close relationship with Sales Account Management, Operations, depot/gateway management and those directly involved in the creation of a secure environment through which high risk goods transit, is considered a critical requirement.
·To develop training modules and conduct training for frontline employees on Dangerous Goods with the support manager of DG handling
·To develop and implement emergency or contingency plan and procedures.


·More than 10 years experience in Security with a proven record in engaging, enthusing and championing health and safety at a country level.
·Leadership and management of a team.
·Ability to manage projects.
·A good understanding of working and social environments, as well as legislation initiatives.
·Written and spoken language needed – English and Chinese.
·Be preparing to travel extensively and work unsociable hours.

薪酬待遇: 面议       预计截止时间:2024/5/13

    Powerstone-HK Consulting is a China-based executive search firm with strong executive network and search capacity in Greater China. We are with a proven track record of high-level recruitment for global corporations and International Company.

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·我可以帮你找到很多你们需要的人选 网友 0/1719 2008/6/1

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