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Career Development Is Bettern

   《职业经理人周刊》     来源:张华    2011/12/1


New graduates often face the dilemma between a high salary and career development. It is usually the case that one’s ideal (dream)job cannot bring a high salary(adequate monetary rewards.) Should one opt for career development or an immediately high salary? Personally, I would give priority to career development.


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Admittedly, a high salary ia an effective incentive(stimulus) to attract(entice) graduates who are in great demand  or eager to make money. Afterall, renumeration(one’s salary) is such a crucial factor when it comes to job hunting. It is undeniable that human beings are often restrained by their short-sightedness. What seem to be sufficiently rewarding at the moment may lose its advantage in the future. Authorative statistics have illustrated(suggested) that employees who choose salary over their real interests tend to be (incline to be)dissatisfied with their job despite (in spite of)the extra money they can earn. In addition, strategic planning regarding(关于) one’s career may not yield any immediate reward(benefit you immediately).


In fact, many people have to forgo some present day rewards in pursuit their dream careers. However, in the long run, all the efforts will pay off. Caree development helps new graduates find their nearings and invest un their future. Finally, one is morw likely to feel content by working in one’s element and attaining some achievement.


In conclusion, a focus on caree development rather than an initial financial gain will improve employees’ jov satisfaction now and in the future.


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